Segregated Funds

By putting money in investment funds, you are combining your savings with those of investors having similar investment objectives and benefiting from the skills of experienced managers. No matter what your financial horizon or your investor profile, we have the right investment fund for you.

Who Should Consider Investment Funds?

  • All types of investors, from cautious to aggressive, primarily those having a medium- to long-term investment horizon.

Features and Advantages of segregated funds

Only insurance companies offer segregated funds. Our funds have numerous advantages that set them apart from mutual funds.

  • We offer a guarantee on your deposits, applicable at the maturity of the investment or at death. You can recover the entire amount you have invested – (Guarantees are 75 to 100%) depending on the funds selected.
  • You can protect the amounts generated by your investments in excess of the deposits made.
  • You can protect your savings against potential creditors*
  • The estate value is protected at death (against probate fees).
  • We ensure the continuity of your contributions in the event of disability*.

*Certain conditions apply.